Bridging Course or OBA for International Nurses in Australia?

Bridging Course or OBA for International Nurses in Australia?

If you are confused with being what to choose OBA or Conversion? You have come to the right place.

I am going to discuss, A Very Hot Topic what to choose OBA for nursing registration or go for the conversion program that is a station in Australia make sure to check out this article till the end as at the end I will be telling you what my personal opinion is about both the programs and that may help you to make an informed decision.

Conversion Program is a fast-track Bachelor of Nursing program which is done by very selected universities in Australia.

You are eligible for this program if you are overseas qualified nurse with a Bachelor of nursing degree back home. The Bachelor of Nursing program in Australia is a 3-year degree.  If you are eligible, what you can do is apply to the selected universities and get some recognition of prior learning experiences. Hence the division shorten from 3 years to one year study.

The best thing about conversion program is that after completing the one-year program you are eligible for direct registration with Australian health practitioner regulation agency (AHPRA).


English language requirement– To apply for the registration with AHPRA you need to meet the English language requirement. The level of language requirement is same just as an NBA which is IELTS 7 band PTE is 65 or 80 points.

Experience– You also require 3 months of clinical experience of practicing nursing as a paid job in your home country.

Visa– It is very important to remember this program does not give you any kind of post study visa. As conversion program is only for 52 weeks. To be eligible to apply for post study visa which is also commonly known as TR Temporary residency visa, you must have completed a study equivalent to 92 weeks in Australia. This means that after completion of this program you need to immediately find a way to stay here in Australia. 

Tuition Fee– Tuition fee is between $35,000-$40,000 thousand dollars for this one-year program.

Intake Dates-Universities which are doing this program are mostly full for each year.
2023-24 intake is now open for the EOI’s. Most of them takes admissions only in July or March each year.

Which universities offer this program– This program is offered by:

Melbourne Deakin University

Perth Curtin University as University of this program.

Unfortunately, program is not available in New South Wales or South Australia hence you may have to consider migrating to Melbourne or Perth if you get the admission in this program from Australian health practitioner regulation agency you should be able to get a job as a freshen us or a graduate nurse there’s one disadvantage especially for those or experienced nurses because you are entering the healthcare system as a fresh graduate nurse your previous experience of employment in your home country or wherever you have worked will not because that by employers because you are starting at division 1 nurse.

To have a good understanding of the conversion program ensure to do a quick comparison between oba and conversion programme.

time and mode of delivery so in the time can be available because it depends a lot about when a nurse is able to pass the nclex an Oscar examination and how many attempts that are nursemaid take to pass this exam generally nurses we’re focus and hard-working the exams between an average time for 6 to 9 months you need to do is an OSCE examination formal training you can go for coaching program mostly online office to work Avila study in the conversion program the 18 qualification is delivered full-time you have in your mind.

Rough estimate of your examination fees is less than $5,000 depending upon whether you go for your Aussie coaching at another $4,000 the oba program definitely sets under $9,000.  Even before you apply to the university also in the program if you are in pressure or do not have experience that is fine because after conducting these two examinations and pass OSCE to assess your competency and if you’re able to pass as examination registration shouldn’t be a problem in the program that you must have where does the conversion program.

You have to have the mandatory work placement and gently it can constitute for 800 to 900 hours in this one year program assessment agency you will be able to show your experience to be able to get a job which is basically a graduate nurse in the cases the salad is do differ I’ll give an example if you are a fresh graduate you will be earning somewhere between 33 to $24 but are there as let’s see if you wanted experience with 5 years of experience you will be earning between 40 and $42. what is my opinion which one is better OBA or Conversion, it depends upon your individual circumstances and what you’re going through for example I have seen few nurses were unable to pass the examination even after three or 4 times and then after that they decided to go for the conversion program because they were able to meet the entry criteria and they could afford it and give it a hundred percent is a much more affordable as well as beneficial program to choose.


Bridging Course or OBA for International Nurses in Australia?

SEO Meta Description: Are you an international nurse aspiring to work in Australia? Learn about the Bridging Course or OBA, its importance, and how it can help you achieve your career goals in the land down under.


If you are an international nurse dreaming of practicing your profession in Australia, you might have come across the terms “Bridging Course” or “OBA.” These are essential pathways for international nurses to obtain their nursing registration in Australia and embark on a fulfilling career journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the world of Bridging Course or OBA for International Nurses in Australia, exploring its significance, requirements, benefits, and everything you need to know to pursue your nursing aspirations in this beautiful country.

What is a Bridging Course or OBA?

A Bridging Course or OBA (Overseas Qualified Nurses Assessment) is a program designed to help international nurses who have completed their nursing education outside of Australia to bridge the gap between their overseas qualifications and the Australian nursing standards. It is a crucial step in obtaining registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which is essential for practicing nursing in Australia. Through this program, international nurses can enhance their skills and knowledge to meet the specific requirements set by the Australian nursing authorities.

The Importance of Bridging Course or OBA for International Nurses

For international nurses, the Bridging Course or OBA is not just an option but a necessity. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring that nurses trained abroad can adapt to the Australian healthcare system seamlessly. Here are some key reasons why the Bridging Course or OBA is essential:

  1. Adapting to Australian Healthcare Standards: Every country has its own set of healthcare standards, protocols, and regulations. The Bridging Course or OBA helps international nurses familiarize themselves with the Australian healthcare system and align their skills with the country’s specific requirements.
  2. Meeting AHPRA’s Registration Requirements: The AHPRA is the regulatory body responsible for the registration of healthcare professionals in Australia. Completing the Bridging Course or OBA is a mandatory step to fulfill AHPRA’s registration criteria for international nurses.
  3. Enhancing Clinical Competence: The course provides international nurses with opportunities to refine their clinical skills, ensuring they can deliver high-quality patient care in accordance with Australian standards.
  4. Career Advancement: Registered nurses in Australia enjoy better career prospects and opportunities. Completing the Bridging Course or OBA opens doors to a wide range of nursing specialties and career growth options.
  5. Integration into Australian Society: By taking the Bridging Course or OBA, international nurses become part of the Australian nursing community, fostering cultural integration and understanding.

Requirements for Bridging Course or OBA

To enroll in the Bridging Course or OBA, international nurses must meet certain requirements:

  1. Nursing Qualification: Applicants must hold a nursing qualification from their home country that is deemed equivalent to the Australian nursing qualification.
  2. English Language Proficiency: International nurses must demonstrate English language proficiency through standardized tests such as IELTS or OET.
  3. Eligibility for AHPRA Registration: Candidates must be eligible for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
  4. Visa Requirements: International nurses must ensure they have the appropriate visa that permits them to study and work in Australia.




The Bridging Course or OBA Process

The Bridging Course or OBA process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Application and Document Verification: International nurses need to submit their applications and have their documents verified by the respective nursing regulatory body.
  2. English Language Proficiency Test: As part of the requirements, applicants need to take an English language proficiency test, such as IELTS or OET, and obtain the minimum required score.
  3. Enrollment in Bridging Course or OBA Program: Once the eligibility criteria are met, nurses can enroll in a recognized Bridging Course or OBA program offered by various institutions in Australia.
  4. Course Completion and Assessment: The Bridging Course or OBA program typically includes theoretical and practical training. Upon completion, nurses undergo an assessment to evaluate their skills and knowledge.
  5. Registration with AHPRA: After successfully completing the Bridging Course or OBA and passing the assessment, international nurses can apply for registration with AHPRA, which allows them to work as nurses in Australia.

Benefits of Completing the Bridging Course or OBA

Completing the Bridging Course or OBA offers numerous advantages for international nurses:

  1. Wider Job Opportunities: Registered nurses in Australia have access to a wide range of job opportunities across various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and aged care facilities.
  2. Competitive Salary: Nursing is a highly valued profession in Australia, and registered nurses receive competitive salaries and benefits.
  3. Professional Development: The Australian healthcare system encourages continuous professional development, enabling nurses to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Australia offers a great work-life balance, allowing nurses to enjoy their personal lives while pursuing a fulfilling career.
  5. High-Quality Healthcare System: Working in Australia gives nurses the opportunity to be part of a world-class healthcare system known for its excellence.


  1. Can I work as a nurse in Australia without completing the Bridging Course or OBA?No, completing the Bridging Course or OBA is a mandatory requirement for international nurses to work in Australia legally.
  2. How long does the Bridging Course or OBA usually take to complete?The duration of the Bridging Course or OBA can vary depending on the program and the individual’s prior experience. Generally, it takes around 3 to 6 months to complete.
  3. Can I apply for registration with AHPRA before completing the Bridging Course or OBA?No, you can only apply for AHPRA registration after successfully completing the Bridging Course or OBA and passing the assessment.
  4. Can I pursue specialization in a particular nursing field after completing the Bridging Course or OBA?Yes, after completing the Bridging Course or OBA and gaining registration with AHPRA, you can pursue specialization in various nursing fields, such as pediatrics, mental health, or critical care.
  5. Is the Bridging Course or OBA only for newly arrived international nurses?No, the Bridging Course or OBA is also suitable for international nurses who have been living in Australia for some time but were unable to secure registration due to their overseas qualifications.
  6. Are there any financial assistance programs for the Bridging Course or OBA?Some institutions and government bodies may offer financial assistance or scholarships for eligible candidates pursuing the Bridging Course or OBA.

For international nurses aspiring to work in Australia, the Bridging Course or OBA is an indispensable pathway to success. Through this program, nurses can enhance their skills, meet Australian nursing standards, and obtain registration with AHPRA, opening doors to a fulfilling nursing career in the land down under.

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